Hostel Room
It should be ideal for 2 students. The furniture provided includes a cot, a table, a chair, a book rack, a cupboard for each student.
Canteen service is available Transport:- college bus facility is available .
One on each floor
Toilet and Bathroom
Toilet and bathroom facilities are provided on each floor of the students hostel. Geysers in bathroom and wash basins facilities are available.
Recreation room is available equipped with TV, VCP, & Tape Recorder & indoor game facility.
Visitor room
Comfortable visitor’s lobby with toilet facility.
Kitchen & Dinning Hall
Hygienic kitchen is there with in the hostel. Dinning hall to accommodate 80% students with adequate Tables, chairs Water coolers & refrigerator facility.
Washing & Ironing
Proper washing room with washing machine & ironing room available
Sick room
Separate sick room is provided for Nursing students.
Warden’s room
Warden’s office is there besides her residential accommodation with independent telephone & intercom facility.
Telephone facility
It is made accessible and available to students in emergency situation and also on weekly basis.
Hostel rooms
To accommodate 3 students in one room. Each student is provided with 1 Bed, 1 Table, 1 Chair & Cupboard & Cloth rack.
Toilet & Bathroom
38 toilet & bathrooms are there with in hostel. Equipped with Geysers & Washing machine, Wash basin facility.